Documents from regional dimension: With tag International standards

 Академски блог: Како да ја подобриме правната култура во Македонија

  •  25 August 2021
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Other

 2019 report on the results of the implementation of the 2017-2022 strategy for reform of the judicial sector

  •  05 November 2020
  •  Aleksandar Nikolov, Iva Conevska
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This Report is based on the plan for monitoring the implementation and assessment of the results of the 2017-2022 Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector, using citizen-oriented indicators, i.e. indicators facilitating the assessment of the interaction of citizens with the justice system institutions, as well as the degree of attainment of strategic goals, guidelines, measures and activities envisaged under the Strategy. The indicators help measure the results from the human rights perspective and from the viewpoint of the Strategy’s effects on citizens, against the background of the overall work of the justice system. This Report covers the following strategic goals set forth under the Strategy: quality, efficiency, transparency, strategic planning and policy-making, judicial institutions, criminal matters, misdemeanour matters and civil matters. The indicators do not cover the following strategic goals under the Strategy: independence and impartiality, liability, access to just


 Shadow Report on Chapter 23 for the period between April 2019 and March 2020

  •  26 May 2020
  •  Iva Conevska, Ismail Kamberi
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This Shadow Report streamlines in a coherent unity all findings, conclusions and recommendations deriving from monitoring the areas covered by Chapter 23 -Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. This is the fifth Shadow Report published by the European Policy Institute-Skopje (EPI) while taking into consideration the comments and opinions of the 23 Network members. The previous four Shadow Reports cover the period from October 2014 to July 2015, then the period from July 2015 to April 2016, the period from May 2016 to January 2018 and the period from June 2018 to March 2019.



  •  14 May 2019
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

 IRP - pravosudstvo - nov 2017

  •  23 November 2017
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report